You would purchase a quantity of coffee and then take a sample and send it to certain customers abroad which might buy that coffee. Then an auction would be held for it.
Afterward, the sales department which was a party to the contract with the customer, sold the coffee. This department then communicated the sales information to the export department which would register the sale at the IBC – the Brazilian Coffee Institute. The sale was recorded and then this department would prepare all the export documentation, shipping permits, approvals, certificate of origin and maritime authorization/bill of lading. This document was prepared in the export area where it prepared all prepared documentation, dispatched customs duties apportionment, coffee shipping, bill of lading, which is the most important document today which is the document that truly proves that you have shipped that batch of coffee. And with that document, you can prepare the invoice, as well as the documents that the importer requests and send them abroad to the customer. Normally it is forwarded through the bank. The customer requests that they be sent to the bank there where the bank receives the documents and notifies the customer that it has arrived. The customer pays it because the customer will need the bill of lading to enable it to remove the coffee from the ship when it arrives there. Then the customer does that and pays or the export is cancelled. To arrive there, there is the grading process. So then, based on the grading, or the sample from the producer itself, the customer receives the sample and grades it himself there and does the deal. Otherwise, the customer begins buying coffees from third parties, because the strength of exporters today, outside the cooperatives, which represent their business, but even cooperatives today buy coffee from third parties. Then this is the structure. It is sales department area, or an export department area, which does the documentation, and an area of the grading department that prepares the coffee before shipment. Then there was the coffee, sales, export, shipping and receipt. This is the coffee export cycle operation.
Antônio Carlos Cavaco worked in the administration of firms such as Prado Chaves and at the export office of the Cooperativa de Guaxupé. Testimonial granted to the Coffee Museum in 2013.