The Museu do Café is located in an easily accessible area in downtown Santos. Close to both bus and passenger ship terminals – Concais, the Museum is reachable in various ways.
The building does not provide parking.

Rua XV de Novembro, 95 - Centro, Santos - SP, Cep: 11010-150

E-mail: contato@museudocafe.org.br

Phone: (13) 3213-1750

Museum Coffee Shop: (13) 3219-7070


Adults R$ 16
Students R$ 8
Senior citizens R$ 8
Visit to the Museum + Coffee Tasting R$ 30



R$ 16



R$ 8

Senior citizens


R$ 8

Visit to the Museum + Coffee Tasting


R$ 30

Get to know the Coffee Museum's exemption policy

Exemption and Half-Price Ticket Policy


Admission to the museum is free for

  • children up to 7 years old
  • people with disabilities
  • public school teachers, coordinators, supervisors and principals
  • teachers in the private education system, with the presentation of the current or previous month's payment slip, printed or digital
  • professionals from the São Paulo State Department of Culture, Economy and Creative Industry, upon presentation of their badge, and their family members. The gratuity is extended to spouses or partners, children and minors under guardianship who accompany them on the visit.
  • SSPSP professionals
  • tour guides
  • professionals from social cultural organizations in São Paulo
  • taxi drivers
  • ICOM members.


The following situations are also free of charge:

  • upon presentation of the Museum Passport from the Secretariat of Culture;
  • participants enrolled in cultural or educational programming activities.


Half price

  • People over 60
  • Pensioners
  • Students, children and young people between the ages of 8 and 16
  • Low-income young people aged between 15 and 29


To access the half-price ticket, students must present the so-called "CIE - Student Identification Card", issued in compliance with the standard created and made available by UNE, UBES and ANPG, containing: full name and date of birth, photo, level of education and name of the educational institution in which the student is enrolled, expiry date until March 31st of the year following that in which it was issued and digital certification. For more information, visit: https://www.documentodoestudante.com.br/novaleidameiaentrada.


For more information, call (13) 3213-1751 or e-mail contato@museudocafe.org.br.


photo of the museum

Educational visits

The Educational Center of the Coffee Museum is the institution's bridge of dialogue with its visitors, beyond the exhibitions it offers. The main objective is to convey the rich history of coffee in a simple and playful way to the public, to provide excellent service and to make the Museum a recognized place of reference in the propagation of learning.

The sector organizes activities that develop perception and encourage the public to dive deeper into the history of coffee in Brazil and around the world. A variety of programs are offered, including guided tours, themed tours and interactive activities for school groups and other visitors to the museum.

Specific times are also made available for spontaneous visits, with the possibility of different mediations, by working across subjects and support materials.

photo of the museum

Scheduled visits

The Coffee Museum offers the public the possibility of scheduling visits, from Tuesday to Friday, in three different ways:

  • With face-to-face educational assistance
  • With online educational services
  • Without educational assistance (without the support of an educator from the institution).


To make an appointment, click here.


To ensure that everyone can enjoy their visit and follow the route safely, the Coffee Museum highlights the following guidelines:

  • Senior citizens, people with disabilities, pregnant women, and visitors accompanied by infants have priority access to the ticket office and Museum entrance.
  • Exemptions and half-price tickets will be granted upon presentation of supporting documents (official letter from the requesting institution, student ID, payslip for public school teachers/public security department employees, Sutaco, Embratur, CET, public cleaning ID, etc.).
  • Photography and filming are allowed inside the Museum, provided they are not for commercial purposes. To preserve the collection, the use of flash is not permitted.
  • To ensure a pleasant tour experience, visitors are advised to avoid using mobile phones, shouting, or running inside the building.


  • Entering with animals, except for guide dogs;
  • Consuming any type of food or drink;
  • Bringing helmets, umbrellas, and raincoats inside;
  • Entering in swimwear, without a shirt, or without shoes;
  • Entering the Museum with backpacks, bags, suitcases, or wearing backpacks on the back;
  • Allowing children to leave the Museum without an accompanying guardian;
  • The use of microphones and loudspeakers by external group guides;
  • Touching, sitting, or leaning on objects, tables, and chairs in the Trading Room and exhibition space, to maintain the integrity of the displayed materials and visitor safety;

General reminders:

  • The Coffee Museum reserves the right to request the departure of any person who endangers the integrity of the collection and/or causes any kind of discomfort to other visitors or Museum staff.
  • Visits to the Coffee Museum are available from Tuesday to Saturday, from 9 AM to 6 PM, and on Sundays from 10 AM to 6 PM (ticket office closes at 5 PM).


What are the opening hours of the coffee museum?

The Coffee Museum is open Tuesday to Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm and Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm (ticket office closes at 5 pm). On public holidays, the opening hours for that particular day of the week will be followed. During the cruise season, the Museum is also open on Mondays (to check the days, see our schedule).

Do I need to make an appointment to visit the coffee museum?

It is not necessary to schedule spontaneous visits without mediation. Spontaneous guided tours, in which educators talk about the long-term exhibition and interesting facts about the Official Coffee Exchange building, take place from Tuesday to Thursday at 12 noon. On Saturdays and Sundays, the times available are: 10 am, 11 am, 3 pm and 4 pm. Interested groups should contact the educational center to check other possibilities at agendavisitas@museudocafe.org.br 

What is the best way to get to the coffee museum?

The Coffee Museum is located in an easily accessible area in the center of Santos. Close to the Concais bus and maritime passenger terminals, the Museum can be reached by various means, including car, bus and cab. It is worth noting that the Museum does not offer parking.

Is taking photographs and filming allowed during the visit?

Taking photographs and filming are allowed only as a record of the visit to the Coffee Museum. The use of flash, hot light, tripods and selfie sticks is not allowed inside the exhibitions for the conservation of the works. For private shoots (15th birthdays, weddings, etc.) and commercial shoots, prior authorization must be obtained from the Communications department at contato@museudocafe.org.br

Is there a coffee shop in the coffee museum?

Yes! Enjoying a coffee before or after visiting the museum makes the tour even more complete. The Museum's coffee shop is open to the public from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 6 pm, and on Sundays, from 10 am to 6 pm.

Does the museum offer free admission?

Admission to the Coffee Museum is free for children up to the age of seven, people with disabilities, public school teachers, coordinators, supervisors and principals, professionals from the São Paulo State Government's Department of Culture, Economy and Creative Industry (upon presentation of their badge), SSPSP professionals, tour guides, professionals from SP's social cultural organizations, taxi drivers and ICOM members. On Saturdays, visits are free for everyone.

Can I take my pet to the museum?

Animals are not allowed in the Coffee Museum, only guide dogs (with documentation).

Is the museum accessible?

The Coffee Museum has been continually seeking efficient ways to meet accessibility needs and ensure equal access to culture for people with disabilities. The space currently has access ramps, elevators and restrooms for people with disabilities or reduced mobility on all floors of the building. In exhibitions, the spaces and flows are designed to make it easier for wheelchair users, the elderly and children to move around, which is also the case with the exhibition elements, such as displays, scenographic walls, textual elements and images.