Uma Xícara de saber
Cafés Especiais
Café com leite
Vovôs do Café
Café para todos
What is the program?
Include courses and workshops for education and capacitation of several publics. They are activities which introduce and reinforce patrimonial education and importance of coffee history to Sao Paulo State and for Brazil.
How does it work?
Courses for target public are offered (culture agents, teachers, tour guides), in order to present culture patrimony concept and promote information disseminators partner network.
How are the activities?
During program, several formation activities are developed, with following highlights:
Oficina para professores:
Toward to teachers from public and private schools, with purpose of presenting non-formal education as complement resource in formal education.
Guia amigo do café:
Toward to tour guide who works in market and tourism students. Cultural patrimony concept, its importance, preservation needs and learning how to deal with tourism to preservation are introduced.
Curso para educadores de museus e instituições culturais [Course for museum educator and culture institutions]: Toward to people which work or intend to work in educational sectors of cultural institutions.
What do we want?
Educate qualified professionals to work in culture institutions, strengthening sector.
What is the program?
Cafés Especiais programs aims to facilitate disabled people access to content available by Museu do Café by specific activities intended to meeting different needs.
How does it work?
This program presents activities which work with senses. Each action is adapted according to group needs, enriching experience and participation of visitors in Museu do Café environment.
How are the activities?
Coffee Senses:
Sensory visit, where participants are invited to interact with objects, smells and images from Museu do Café exhibitions.
Sabor Especial:
Action designated to acuminate palate, one of most important senses. In the activity, the participant tastes coffee, as an authentic coffee sorter.
What do we want?
Cafés Especiais program searches to present exposed content in Museu do Café to disabled people by activities which advantage their senses.
What is this?
It’s a program which aims to approach child public of Museum and stimulate child to work with different ways of language.
How does it work?
The activities are very interactive and stimulate attention and involvement of kids.
The program is divided into three age groups: From 2 to 6 years old, 7 to 9 years old and 10 to 12 years old. It consists of educational activities, according to different languages in child universe, so that participants express themselves freely, awaking curiosity about importance of coffee history in Brazil. The program is composed by activities, like music, games, visual and scenic arts.
How are the activities?
Violinha de Café
Target: Childehn from 2 to 6 years old.
Time: 40 to 60 minutes
Description: Coffee history and its morphology narrated by guitar sound and help of characters and choreographies.
Um dia de Calixto
Target: Children from 7 to 9 years old.
Time: 1h30
Description: Educational visit is toward to Benedicto Calixto biography. Children are inspired by artist from draws done with coffee grounds and, in the end of activity, expose their works.
Musicando com Café
Target: Children from 7 to 9 years old.
Time: 1h30
Description: A historical journey with songs performed by instruments made by recycling material by recycling materials by own participants. The goal is to present relationships of coffee work and basic principles of environment preservation.
Visita Curiosa
Target: Children from 10 to 12 years old.
Time: 1h30
Description: An educational visit inside and outside of building, where curious details about building, coffee history and Museum are presented. After visiting, an artistic activity is offered where participants express what they feel, learned and what they most liked in the activity.
Target: Childen from 10 to 12 years old.
Time: 1h30
Description: Children have fun as latte art, skill of making figures on based-espresso-coffee drinking surface, and they have the opportunity of have knowledge of barista working.
What do we want?
Café com Leite program searches for accessibility of coffee history, importance of preservation of history patrimony for children and create an environment consciousness when using recycling materials in games and musical instruments prepared by own child.
What is this?
Vovôs do Café program is a set of activities toward to old age, which work participants’ experience and memory. Its intention is to stimulate and consolidate self-esteem of elder people, in order to reflect in perception of their importance in society.
How does it work?
This program is justified in concept of oral history, a work process which includes dialog and collaboration of people, considering their experience and memories.
How are the activities?
Our History:
Rescue elder people memory, using objects related to coffee world. A work with music and dancing activities is also given.
Vovôs no Museu:
Educational visits to Museum exhibitions, followed by a coffee tasting.
What do we want?
To help to rescue individual and collective memory, promoting change of experiences among participants. To perform activities which provide a pleasant environment, where public expresses their feelings and experiences, feeling integrand and productive part of society.
What is this?
Café para Todos program searches to approach the public with social vulnerability conditions to spaces of Museu do Café and promote free access to culture from participation in special visits, activities and talks.
How does it work?
It consists of two educational activities related to coffee universe, in which participants learn since steps for cultivation of grain up to preparing a cup of this product, as well as different ways of preparing this drink.
Which are the activities?
A cup of history:
Designated to teenager and adults, it consists of an educational visit to exhibition of museum, ended by a tasting of two types of coffee: the traditional – easily found in commercial establishments and consumed by most of people – and gourmet – sold in specialized coffee shops or exported to several countries. The activity lasts two hours.
My Espresso:
It consists of a function aimed to labor market which last 6 hours. Youth and adults learn in theory and in practice how to handle espresso coffee machines, in addition to ideas of roasting and milling of grains.
What do we want?
Café para Todos program searches to rescue self-esteem and self-assurance of participants. It’s expected, during such steps, to awake consciousness about importance of coffee history for Santos City and Sao Paulo State. The purpose is to participants be part of this history and be part of community where they live. Activities help to establish a dialog between museum and community around it.